Take Chances for positive change

African Summer was at its peak... Scorching Sun, Waterholes have almost dried, Easy prey is not available, almost Deer & wilder beast have migrated to other green pastures. In such a difficult  season of draught , A herd of elephant and a pack of lions thrive together. Elephants are de-hydrated and the lions are hungry. Lions decide to take on the elephant and the deadly scene unfolds in the night. Lions hunt the weakest elephant. In the deadly hunt, the elephant and two lions die. The remaining lions feast on the dead elephant until rain fills the water holes and other herbivores return back. The Lions took their tough chance to survive.
Third umpire referrals were introduced in mid 90's, which has changed the dimensions of  cricket totally. Third umpires use video evidence to review the decision, Close call run-outs, stumping catches are possible. Batsman goes for a quick run, the fielder returns back the ball in a split second, batsmen goes for a dive and the keeper breaks the stumps. Both batsmen and the keeper take their chances and it was very close call, which could be adjourned in both ways by the third umpire.
Chances are otherwise termed as calculated risk where the chance of success and failure is equally possible (50-50). Everyone knowingly or unknowingly take chances in their life, small or big the chance which makes the life interesting. If you fail it becomes an experience and if you succeed you are awarded. Its always better to take chances when the probability of success is more than the failure say 60-40.
There are certain scenarios and situation where we should not take chances where a failure may cause self destruction and or destruction of others, even if the probability of success is 80-20. In such scenarios failed chances may result in permanent crippling and or fatal. 
Where to take chances:
Take chances when you are the only one involved in taking chances.
Do not hesitate to take chances in work, which creates positive opportunities.
Take chances if you are involved in games where half chances need to be grabbed.
Take chance if your action may lead to welfare of the communities.
Where not to take chances:
Take it seriously, don't take chances while you are in live traffic like Driving, walking on the streets or whatever it may be. Be 100% sure before overtaking or crossing the road.
Don't take tough chances to earn quick money.
Don't take chances in relationship as strained relationships are very hard to mend.
Chances shall be taken in order to explore new heights in life. If you succeed you will be awarded if you fail it is accumulated as experience, but you can't take chances in every situation of life. In some situations failed chances may prove fatal or result in permanent injury. Everyone needs to think on, before taking any chances big or small.
  This article has been posted in Indispire Edition 155
Picture courtesy: Honorable Mr. Internet

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                                                                                                   Blog Article by: Allwyn Chellakumar


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