Years of living dangerously

Years of living dangerously article is an inspiration from the Nat Geo documentary(titled Years of living dangerously) which advocates and address the issues of Climate change and its adverse effects.
I have heard about the climate change but haven't taken it very seriously. After watching the documentary program in NatGeo I was frequently struck with thoughts of  what will happen to the planet earth after 50 years where our younger generation will have to live. Isn't it our duty to give them a better planet to live in.
I have shared my knowledge and views about Global warming and Climatic change through this post. Hope this article could spread some awareness.
I started working as Testing engineer specializing in electrical installation testing and had a chance to work in Neyveli lignite Corporation(NLC) power plants, where I noticed that the exhaust chimneys of the New power plant  is higher than that of the old ones. I enquired about it with my seniors and was told that  that environmental ministry has changed the norms of emission. I was ignorant to ask them why the norms have been changed. Not only me, even higher officials and politicians are ignorant about the environment pollution, global warming and climate change.
Green house effect turned Global warming turned Climate change which was once thought wouldn't happen is happening now. The main source of  Global warming and Climate change( all are interdependent) excessive emission of carbon di oxide(C02) by burning of fossil fuels( Petrol, Diesel and carbon) and depletion of Ozone. We use fossil fuel mainly for generation of power and fueling automobiles.
Excessive emission of  CFC gases has depleted the Ozone layer and has resulted in the increase of surface temperature, melting the Iceberg which has increased the sea level. It's high time to correct ourselves, before mother nature decides to take self-corrective action.
Green House Gases(GHG):
Water vapor, Carbon-di-oxide, Ozone and to some extent methane are GHG. GHG absorbs suns radiation and radiates back to the atmosphere(26%) and the remaining is absorbed by the earth surface. This is known as Natural Green house effect. Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F)( Reference: Wikipedia).
Are you wondering why GHG like CO2 results in Global warming?? Read ahead.. Ozone layer has depleted over the period time and the killer is Freon and other CFC gases, which we use in Air conditioners and refrigerators. Depletion of Ozone layer results in higher radiation from sun reaching the atmosphere and the atmosphere has more concentration of CO2 which results in increase of  earths surface temperature. Increase in temperature increases usage of Air-conditioners which further depletes the Ozone layer. The use of fossil fuel have been beyond control and still an effective alternative is not yet found.
Unknown facts:
Apart from fossil fuel another major contributor of global warming is methane(GHG) emitted from cattle wastes. Isn't it surprising. With rise in population and meat eating population, commercial cattle's breading is a multi million dollar industry and what happens to the waste of the animals, it's simply dumped in open  area and allowed to de-compose emitting Methane. Methane is believed to warm the earth surface 20times faster than carbon-di-oxide.
Marine life:
Marine life, some of the species of fishes and sea turtles are on the verge of extinction or rarely found. Every Marine life needs a certain temperature to thrive on.. Global warming has resulted in melting of Icebergs into the sea, which has affected the temperature below sea level, which has destroyed the coral reefs  and extinction of many species of fishes.
Control measures by Government:
Government of India has strict emission control rules and those industries violating the emission control pays a hefty penalty and carbon tax has been levied on Industries. There is a strict emission control norms on vehicle's and many cities in India has imposed Combustible Natural Gas usage in automobiles. Though Government is imposing lots of restriction the change starts from an individual.
Salvaging the planet earth:
Global warming or climate change is a phenomena which doesn't happen in few days or few months and the effects are not realized immediately. It happens over a period of time and our earlier generation has neglected global warming and climate change due to lack of studies and statistics.  The effects cannot be reversed in a short period of time. We as current generation shall salvage the planet earth so that our future generations will be a better place to live. 
Initiative from individuals:
Growing of trees helps a lot to control the CO2 emission as plant uses CO2 for photosynthesis and releases oxygen. Avoid cutting of trees for building. With available technologies building can be built accommodating the trees.
Reduce the use of motor vehicles and use public transport as much as possible. It will save money as well as environment.
Better understanding about the Global Warming, climate change and our willingness to take corrective actions will help us to give our future generation a better place to live in.

Picture courtesy: Honorable Mr. Internet

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                                                                                                   Blog Article by: Allwyn Chellakumar


  1. Thanks for this important post. I especially liked two points and would like to highlight them again. First, 'Government is imposing lots of restriction the change starts from an individual'. And secondly, 'The effects cannot be reversed in a short period of time.' Hence, any steps that we take would show their effect only several years later.

    1. Thanks for your time to read my post ....... My post has coincided with Internation C02 emission control day... without individual contribution and futuristic outlook it will be an impossible task..Lets make planet earth as better place to live

  2. I can't agree more on "the change starts from an individual". Many times when people complain about the Government I ask if they are doing what they can. I feel when all of us as citizens start doing the right thing the Govt. will have no option but to aid us. I love how much importance that house has given to the tree (which makes the house look so much cooler!). Thank you so much for this insightful post Allwyn.


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