World of Rat Race...

What is rat race?
I was not knowing the exact definition so I called up Google uncle and in a fraction of second he searched, all over the world wide web and brought me the appropriate definition " a way of life where people are caught up in fiercely competitive struggle for wealth or power"
Rat race ... Are you in or out?
How to know whether you are in the rat race or not? Its pretty simple take a minute, think and answer yourself honestly.. Is your aim in life remained the same throughout life or it keeps changing? Are you spending enough on yourself? When u last went on a holiday trip with family or with friends? How often you shower kind words to your colleagues and sub-ordinates?
Bank Balance and Blood Pressure:

One of my colleague was quoting that his Blood pressure is indirectly proportional to his bank balance. Bank balance decreases and his BP increases and vice versa. Now I understand why he is always behind overtimes, it's to control his blood pressure. We keep running but we don't realize the floor is also moving...
Status Symbol:

Telephone was a mode of communication but  now a days owning a smartphone that to the latest with big screens have become symbol of status. Many value you with the model of mobile you have.. Many borrow or take loan to buy the latest mobile to improve their value in society. .
Race without finish line:

Get admission in good school, get good mark, go to best college, work for the industries best, become CEO and what next? We keep running and running until retirement. It's a relay race our sons and daughter start from where we stopped... wait sorry they run the same race  from the start line.99% of present and past generation including myself are proud participants of rat race. We have been taught like that.
Interesting discussion:

I had an interesting discussion about rat race and my conclusion was that at present, rat race has slowed down and new generation will have smooth and simple lifestyle. My friends and colleagues strongly dis-agree.  Obviously it seems that whole world is participating in the rat race and we have no idea when we entered the race.
Working in mid-air:
I pity those who keep reading and replying their official email's when they are in the mid-air, 30,000 feet above, in flights while travelling. Some might argue that it's my passion and I enjoy doing that. Deep from their heart they know very well that they are hiding the truth.
Nurture yourself, your family, kith and kin.. Take break from work.. Go on a tour.... Be kind to everyone.
Wishing you all Happy and Healthy living

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                                                                                                   Blog Article by: Allwyn Chellakumar


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