Simple things which can boost confidence

What is Confidence?  

Confidence is knowing your strength and weakness and showcasing your strengths. Confidence is believing in yourself. Confidence is doing things in a right way again and again. Confidence is preparing well for the day and executing in the right way. Confidence comes with hard work, constantly upgrading yourself and right mind set.
So what to do if you are running down with your confidence despite knowing your strength and weakness, believing in yourself and preparing well. Given this scenario after doing everything your inner mind says that you are not up-to the mark and brings your level of confidence down. These are few simple things which can convince your inner mind that your confident and there-by increasing your confidence.
Dress Aptly: Its very important to dress aptly. Wearing a bigger size of dress or a small size of dress highly decreases your confidence level. Always wear correct size of dress which fits you aptly. Wearing matching dress( don't wear from head to toe in the same color), neatly pressed clothes, polished shoes make your confidence level boost.
Walk briskly: Walking briskly brings a lot of confidence. Chin-up, shoulders open , smile in your face and walk briskly gives you a feeling that your on top of the world. Always hold your bag in the  your left hand so that you can handshake confidently while greeting.
Maintain Good hygiene : Maintain good oral hygiene, well trimmed and combed hair, clean shaven or neatly trimmed beard and moustache, wearing neat and clean clothes makes you feel fresh and confident.
Fitness : Fitness is one damn thing which brings loads and loads of confidence. Fitness doesnt mean going to the gym and pumping the iron, a simple jog or brisk walking in the morning lifts your mood and make you feel confident of yourself.
Eating and sleeping habit: In our urban lifestle we eat all junk, we dont maintain timely eating habits and we sleep fewer hours than required. Adjust you eating and sleeping habits. Three decent meal a days with 4-5 hours time gap between each meal and good 7-8 hours of sleep keeps your fresh and confident round the clock.
Smile: Always wear a smile in your face which brings positive attitude and confidence. Flashing those pearl white teeth will make you appear both confident and composed. Smile keep you in positive mind frame and boost your confidence.
Remember your accomplishments: Cherish on the small or big accomplishments in your life..The prize which you won for a running race in high school, the grade sheets where you got outstanding.. the appreciation you from opponent team captain for playing exquisite cover drive.. reading the best comments you got in your appraisals and so on. This brings back the confidence back from inside..

Self-confidence improves ones self-respect, stature and efficiency. Improve your self-confidence with these simplest of simple things and climb the ladder of success and well being. 

Hope this article will help improve confidence of those who are down in their self-confidence.

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                                                                                             Blog article by : Allwyn Chellakumar


  1. Agreed, we all spend to much time in the negatives. A simple smile is enough to change things to the positive end. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Absolutely...these small things can bolster our confidence immensely..


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